May 2011 Heretical Numerology Watch

“Don’t ask what the world needs.
Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
– Howard Thurman

“To go against the dominant thinking of your friends,
of most of the people you see every day,
is perhaps the most difficult act of heroism you can perform”
– Theodore H. White

“So what do we do?
Anything.  Something. So long as we just don’t sit there.
If we screw it up, start over. Try something else.
If we wait until we’ve satisfied all the uncertainties,
it may be too late”
– Lee Iacocca

As tornado weather and fires seems to spread, my predictions on natural events through May continue to point to an open window for sudden and explosive events.  Nothing satisfies this description quite like a tornado.  Unlike a volcano or earthquake, tornadoes do not appear to slowly develop and fester over time to a final explosion.  In truth, as I went over calculations last month and analyzed the energy window I was picking up, I was thrown back into childhood memories of surviving Terrible Tuesday.  I have always carried a sense that I and my friends should have died that day, 32 years ago.  It’s been forever since I thought about that day, and here I was consumed for awhile with the memories. I still remember what the air tasted like.

I thought about writing about this last month, but since it was so vivid and personal, I felt my visions were tied to personal emotions and wanted to keep the air clear.  A tornado does not have to be the manifestation of this energy.  Still, I have not been surprised.  And the window is still open.

May 2011 is the most crucial month of the year for focus on evaluation and change based on logic, intelligence and experience.  Not only is it a good time to evaluate your direction, but also to analyze your reasons and find your sense of adventure.  Sometimes we simply need to just do something.  If you are feeling stuck, now is the time to un-stick.  If you tend to be inflexible, now’s the time to remember to pick your battles and flow.  This vibration will not tolerate stagnation or allow you to remain in stasis.  And May is one of the months in 2011 where each day’s vibration is felt a little more intensely.

In keeping with channeling this energy in positive ways, I’d like to borrow some wise words from my peers.  As good friends recently asked me, “We hear a lot of ‘ought to’s.’ What’s actually your joy? Not what you get satisfaction from, but actual joy.” 

If you are truly living in your joy, not following your sense of of satisfaction and accomplishment, then look elsewhere to channel the energy that demands evaluation and change.  But if you are not finding yourself in joy – pure joy – then take a look at this area.  What produces an actual joyous state for you?  What allows you to maintain peace?  And what in your life, no matter how passionate you feel, takes your peace away?  What always seems to flow and what never quite seems to iron out?  It’s time to weigh some things in the balance.  This need for evaluation, and shifts and changes born from that, will make itself known at a personal level as well as on the larger community and national scales.

OK, so how do you go about that for you?

I was thinking on the words to write about this and asked for guidance while on my drive to pick up the kids from school.  I’d barely finished the request in my mind when the vehicle in front of me started behaving unpredictably.  I had to react quickly and change lanes awkwardly, as both lanes at my disposal were full.  I like to use my cruise control, as it helps me maintain proper speed, but also not chance going over a speed limit.  I braked, maneuvered, got clear and reset the control.  Then, on another road, soon after I passed that car, another car slammed on their brakes for a sudden left turn in front of me.  This time not only was there another car just ahead to my right, but a cyclist on the same shoulder as well.  Again, I had to react quickly, brake suddenly and make an awkward lane change.  I turned onto yet another road, reset my cruise control and continued down the highway.  Yet another vehicle in the lane next to me began slowing down and speeding up erratically, causing some friction in the traffic flow.  Several cars around me seemed to be trying to figure out what to do with the pattern disruption.  Suddenly a pedestrian appeared on the shoulder on my side of the road and without looking tried to cross 55 mph traffic, while the person next to me seemed to be distracted.  Again, I disengaged my cruise control, and compensated.  As the highway curved to my right under a toll bridge, yet another car suddenly cut into my lane with less than a car length to spare.  Again, I compensated, thinking people sure were lucky I was as observant and as good of a driver as I was.  I hadn’t seen that many odd traffic patterns in less than 10 minutes time… I don’t think ever.  Good grief!  What was with people today?

And that’s when the words popped into my head.  “If you’d set your cruise control for 5 miles less than usual, none of this would have occurred.  When questions lie ahead, take a slower pace than you are capable of.”

It was a revelation.  As I pondered these thoughts turning onto the last road before the school, one last car exhibited unusual traffic behavior.  I looked at my speedometer and felt the truth.  A small reduction would have adjusted more easily.  On the way back, there were no more unusual traffic events.  No strange patterns, no pedestrians or cyclists.  Just a normal pattern I was used to and 5 miles slower than I usually go. Hanging just a tic back gave me an edge for more clarity.

I think therein was the key I asked for.

Dates of Numerological Significance

April 29 – May 2: Numerological Arch of Influence
May 13: date of Numerological Significance

May 11 – 17: Numerological Arch of Influence
May 20 – 24: Numerological Arch of Influence
May 24: date of Numerological Significance

May 28 – 29: Numerological Arch of Influence (mini but intense)

2 Responses

  1. […] touched on the subject of thinking about what our true Joy is back in May.  You can go back and take a look.  Our process over the summer so far has been in preparation […]

  2. […] touched on the subject of thinking about what our true Joy is back in May. You can go back and take a look. Our process over the summer so far has been in preparation for […]

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