July 2011 Heretical Numerology Watch

“Love taught me to die with dignity that I might come forth anew in splendor.
Born once of flesh, then again of fire, I was reborn a third time
to the sound of my name humming haikus in heaven’s mouth.”
— Aberjhani (The River of Winged Dreams) 

“If you live in the dark a long time and the sun comes out, you do not cross into it whistling.  There’s an initial uprush of relief at first, then-for me, anyway- a profound dislocation.  My old assumptions about how the world works are buried, yet my new ones aren’t yet operational.  There’s been a death of sorts, but without a few days in hell, no resurrection is possible.”
— Mary Karr (Lit: A Memoir)

“Things are only impossible until they’re not.”
— Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek Next Generation)

So where are we now in the energy mix?

Over the last couple of months, we’ve been in a “soft” transition, riding the outer waves of the hard transition coming up in July.  This hard transition is not the kind, however, that can be easily labeled.  The reason why is because it is spiritual in nature.  And essentially the energetic theme is that of “Rebirth.”  The mechanism is however different for everyone.

Expect this to play out in physical ways, but it’s essential to remember that whatever happens, it’s not about the physical.  It is about the spiritual, soul level growth.   It’s not just about growing, though some will be pushed to do so.  It is also about the kind of testing that is less about learning and more about confirmation, more about proof that you have finally arrived.

I’ll use a personal experience for an illustration. All throughout my teen and young adult years I had a recurring dream about being taunted by a particular person who caused me great emotional distress in real life.  In my dreams this person would suddenly show up when I was in public and shout mean things about my looks and how I’d never become anything.  I would struggle to run away and hide from their insults, and it never seemed to work right.  The dreams felt awful, and I knew they were about my self-confidence.  I worked on it though, in real life, pushing myself to step outside my comfort zone.  And the day finally arrived when I had the dream again, but this time I did not run.  I instead stood up to the offending person, told them off and told them why they were wrong.  In the beginning, the dream yet again felt awful and I wanted to avoid the person. But by the end, it became one of the most empowering dream experiences I’ve ever had.  Time and time again I was given opportunity to be my true self, but someone was always there to tell me why it was ugly or bad and I tried to hide.  Finally I stood without fear and with acceptance of who I was.  I woke up like a new person.  I had arrived.  I never dreamed about that person taunting me again and I was afraid to challenge my beliefs no more.

The energy now is somewhat like what that last dream was for me.  A final unpleasant test, but less for learning and more for confirmation. I had graduated.

Don’t get me wrong, we’ll have the challenge part too in this energy bubble, and it’s possible to fail the test, but the end goal is to finally get that certificate of arrival.  We won’t be done for the year just yet, but this summer holds a special spot for the thresholds we are all crossing.  Rebirth.

The interesting thing is, though I can see it in numbers, I’m not the only one talking about it.  A lot of people feel this internal need for something to change.  Sometimes they know exactly what, but a lot do not.  They can’t quite put their finger on it, but they know something needs to, is or going to shift.  Sometimes the clue comes from the fact that coping mechanisms they have relied on for some time are beginning to no longer work.  I read once there’s a reason why addicts usually end up in treatment, and it’s not just because they are addicts.  It’s because the body has an amazing ability to develop a tolerance and what used to work stops working. It’s not too different for anything in life, as everything points to the need for flow.  Everything could be good, but if it becomes stagnant, it becomes poison.

Sometimes figuring out what it is that needs transformation requires you to get away, remove yourself from the everyday, so you can finally get the sense of what is truly taking place.  Sometimes the best “get away” people can get in their life is to start a new job, or start a new hobby, or start running everyday, or something else that helps remove you from the current outlook and put you into a different pace.

Even now, people are looking for the answer to the nagging feeling of “what’s next.”  It’s time.

July holds some significant master number energy and not ironically, July 11 and 22 are pretty significant this month.  It just happens to be that each of these dates are double master number days in 2011.  On top of that, July 1st finishes out our triple eclipse pattern this summer and the US moves into a new annual cycle that expects community service and responsibility to our families and health.  The thing is, in 2011 this realm of service energy also contains a spiritual challenge.  And then Mercury will go retrograde on the heels of all this August 3.  There’s also Uranus going retrograde on July 9th, a date I have already pegged for a numerological date of significance.

We are being challenged during this year 2011, to be better about doing our research and not make decisions too quickly.  We are challenged to slow down and to seek greater truth on any matter, physical or spiritual.  We are challenged to find the missing details we don’t yet see. We are challenged to listen and to be careful with our questions. Every year contains a challenge vibration – in 2011 it involves this.

This challenge is a bit in opposition to the keynote energy of the US, which tends to make decisions on the spur of the moment.  There is a place for that energy, but this year asks us to slow it down.  As we transition during the summer, we also add a challenge to the energy of family, community, health and the notion of sacrifice.  I expect children, health care and community ideas, both secular and religious, to take a center focus in the near future and become increasingly important this fall.  The issue however will be to take measures to take a lot of time in these matters.  Number patterns point to hidden mysteries when it comes to these subjects.  Truths to be revealed, errors to be recognized and growth in understanding.  It’s not too different in nature to a spiritual awakening, when all you thought was true is well… different.  Not exactly wrong, but not the whole story and not exactly right either.  Some things completely wrong, but understandable at that level.  Still once you jump to the next plateau, it just no longer serves you.  Crawling works really well for us as long as we cannot yet walk.  But once we attain walking, we rarely find need to crawl again.  It no longer serves us.  Still, in order to finally get to that place of walking with confidence, we must first take some falls.  We must first, as Mary Karr points out in the quote above, “go through hell.”

We are reaching one of these points now.  It is like the transition of the butterfly from a caterpillar.  Did you know that when a caterpillar changes, it actually dissolves completely before it can reform into a butterfly?  Science calls it’s dissolved slurry state a “culture medium” not too unlike a liquid bath of embryonic cells.  This transformation is significant as none of the original structure of the caterpillar remains.  It is broken down into base liquid parts and completely reformed anew.  You can read more about this fascinating phenomenon here: “Inside the Chrysalis” by Dr. Lincoln Brower.

That – is where we are.  Entering the slurry stage.  It’s not a bad thing.  It’s not really an easy thing either.  Even birth is not easy.  But there is wonder on the other side.

Dates of Numerological Significance

June 23: Date of Numerological Significance
June 27: Date of Numerological Significance
June 23-28: Numerological Arch of Influence
July 1: Partial Solar Eclipse
July 9: Date of Numerological Significance
July 9: Uranus Goes Retrograde
July 9-11: Numerological Arch of Influence
July 11: Date of Numerological Significance
July 15: Date of Numerological Significance

July 15-18: Numerological Arch of Influence
July 22: Date of Numerological Significance
July 22-29: Numerological Arch of Influence
August 3: Mercury Goes Retrograde


“Nature abhors a vacuum, and if I can only walk with sufficient carelessness, I am sure to be filled.”
~ Henry David Thoreau ~

“If you want greater prosperity in your life, start forming a vacuum to receive it.”
~ Catherine Ponder ~

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret to
getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into
small manageable tasks and then starting on the first one.”
~ Mark Twain ~

“Never be afraid to try something new.
Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the Titanic.”
~ Unknown ~

Now is the time to get started.  We’ve had the months of energy warps pushing us to declutter and put a structure in place.  To evaluate, clean house and get ready for change.  We’ve made the adjustments necessary – the first steps in the changes to take place.  Now is the time for new beginnings and abandoning (or destroying) something old that no longer serves us (or maybe never did).

Sometimes “If it don’t work, don’t fix it,” is the right answer you seek.

If you have been working on manifesting something in your life, now is the time for the follow-through.  If you have not taken the steps already to clarify and get the vacuum created to help draw to you what you seek, get to it now.  We stand on fertile ground! And to support the numerological energies I already see, we have a triple eclipse pattern coming up that will help push the matter for us, ready or not.  This is a wonderful wave of new-new-new to hop on if you’re willing to shake off the fear and dance.  It will also nicely set the stage and open doors for the next year if you let it.

To emphasize the whole “something new coming from out of no-where” kind of energy we are entering, check out NASA’s recent article about free-floating planets that are not tied to solar systems of any kind here:  http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2011/18may_orphanplanets/.   Ever notice how important planets are, vs. stars, in astrology?

As the school year ends, community, family and health areas come into focus.  If you have anything in process in these areas during this time, it’s time to look at it from a completely new approach, or head back to the drawing board and start over from scratch.

Eclipse patterns and solar flares have long been connected to weather extremes.  The initial window I saw for explosive events on a natural scale, thinking tornado type energy vs. earthquake type energy, is at its close.  However, there is a mini power-punch I’m watching at the end of May to first 3 days of June.  It is a different kind of energy, but extreme none-the-less.  Additionally, June 1st is a potent day numerologically and the fact that a solar eclipse falls on that day as well, causes me to expect something significant within a three-day window of that date.  Plus we have the following June 15th lunar and July 1st solar eclipse.  Remember, there are always at least two dates in operation on this planet at one time.  I expect significant natural events with more stamina to occur come August as well.  Hurricane season would fit the bill, but whatever it is, instead of short explosive bursts, the energy is longer and stronger.  Where in the world?  I suspect the US and North Atlantic regions most.  Otherwise in areas that will somehow have a significant impact upon us, even if we don’t experience it directly.

I see a last little bit of volatility in the market before it fizzles out.  By the end of August, I believe we will see a different energetic feel emerge in the market altogether, which I expect to be unsettling.  Not quite sure what that looks like, as I’m not a a financial person, but by October I believe we’ll see some of the predictability everyone craves.

Dates of Numerological Significance

May 24: Date of Numerological Significance
May 28 – 29: Numerological Arch of Influence (mini but intense)
June 1: Partial Solar Eclipse
June 1: Date of Numerological Significance
June 10: Date of Numerological Significance
June 10-12: Numerological Arch of Influence
June 15: Total Lunar Eclipse
June 23: Date of Numerological Significance

June 27: Date of Numerological Significance
June 23-28: Numerological Arch of Influence
July 1: Partial Solar Eclipse

May 2011 Heretical Numerology Watch

“Don’t ask what the world needs.
Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
– Howard Thurman

“To go against the dominant thinking of your friends,
of most of the people you see every day,
is perhaps the most difficult act of heroism you can perform”
– Theodore H. White

“So what do we do?
Anything.  Something. So long as we just don’t sit there.
If we screw it up, start over. Try something else.
If we wait until we’ve satisfied all the uncertainties,
it may be too late”
– Lee Iacocca

As tornado weather and fires seems to spread, my predictions on natural events through May continue to point to an open window for sudden and explosive events.  Nothing satisfies this description quite like a tornado.  Unlike a volcano or earthquake, tornadoes do not appear to slowly develop and fester over time to a final explosion.  In truth, as I went over calculations last month and analyzed the energy window I was picking up, I was thrown back into childhood memories of surviving Terrible Tuesday.  I have always carried a sense that I and my friends should have died that day, 32 years ago.  It’s been forever since I thought about that day, and here I was consumed for awhile with the memories. I still remember what the air tasted like.

I thought about writing about this last month, but since it was so vivid and personal, I felt my visions were tied to personal emotions and wanted to keep the air clear.  A tornado does not have to be the manifestation of this energy.  Still, I have not been surprised.  And the window is still open.

May 2011 is the most crucial month of the year for focus on evaluation and change based on logic, intelligence and experience.  Not only is it a good time to evaluate your direction, but also to analyze your reasons and find your sense of adventure.  Sometimes we simply need to just do something.  If you are feeling stuck, now is the time to un-stick.  If you tend to be inflexible, now’s the time to remember to pick your battles and flow.  This vibration will not tolerate stagnation or allow you to remain in stasis.  And May is one of the months in 2011 where each day’s vibration is felt a little more intensely.

In keeping with channeling this energy in positive ways, I’d like to borrow some wise words from my peers.  As good friends recently asked me, “We hear a lot of ‘ought to’s.’ What’s actually your joy? Not what you get satisfaction from, but actual joy.” 

If you are truly living in your joy, not following your sense of of satisfaction and accomplishment, then look elsewhere to channel the energy that demands evaluation and change.  But if you are not finding yourself in joy – pure joy – then take a look at this area.  What produces an actual joyous state for you?  What allows you to maintain peace?  And what in your life, no matter how passionate you feel, takes your peace away?  What always seems to flow and what never quite seems to iron out?  It’s time to weigh some things in the balance.  This need for evaluation, and shifts and changes born from that, will make itself known at a personal level as well as on the larger community and national scales.

OK, so how do you go about that for you?

I was thinking on the words to write about this and asked for guidance while on my drive to pick up the kids from school.  I’d barely finished the request in my mind when the vehicle in front of me started behaving unpredictably.  I had to react quickly and change lanes awkwardly, as both lanes at my disposal were full.  I like to use my cruise control, as it helps me maintain proper speed, but also not chance going over a speed limit.  I braked, maneuvered, got clear and reset the control.  Then, on another road, soon after I passed that car, another car slammed on their brakes for a sudden left turn in front of me.  This time not only was there another car just ahead to my right, but a cyclist on the same shoulder as well.  Again, I had to react quickly, brake suddenly and make an awkward lane change.  I turned onto yet another road, reset my cruise control and continued down the highway.  Yet another vehicle in the lane next to me began slowing down and speeding up erratically, causing some friction in the traffic flow.  Several cars around me seemed to be trying to figure out what to do with the pattern disruption.  Suddenly a pedestrian appeared on the shoulder on my side of the road and without looking tried to cross 55 mph traffic, while the person next to me seemed to be distracted.  Again, I disengaged my cruise control, and compensated.  As the highway curved to my right under a toll bridge, yet another car suddenly cut into my lane with less than a car length to spare.  Again, I compensated, thinking people sure were lucky I was as observant and as good of a driver as I was.  I hadn’t seen that many odd traffic patterns in less than 10 minutes time… I don’t think ever.  Good grief!  What was with people today?

And that’s when the words popped into my head.  “If you’d set your cruise control for 5 miles less than usual, none of this would have occurred.  When questions lie ahead, take a slower pace than you are capable of.”

It was a revelation.  As I pondered these thoughts turning onto the last road before the school, one last car exhibited unusual traffic behavior.  I looked at my speedometer and felt the truth.  A small reduction would have adjusted more easily.  On the way back, there were no more unusual traffic events.  No strange patterns, no pedestrians or cyclists.  Just a normal pattern I was used to and 5 miles slower than I usually go. Hanging just a tic back gave me an edge for more clarity.

I think therein was the key I asked for.

Dates of Numerological Significance

April 29 – May 2: Numerological Arch of Influence
May 13: date of Numerological Significance

May 11 – 17: Numerological Arch of Influence
May 20 – 24: Numerological Arch of Influence
May 24: date of Numerological Significance

May 28 – 29: Numerological Arch of Influence (mini but intense)


“Try not to become a man of success but a man of value.”
Albert Einstein

“We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.”

“Yes, know thyself: in great concerns or small,
Be this thy care, for this, my friend, is all.”

I’ve been going over calculations and found a reduction pattern that I missed and need to add corrections so far for the year.  These corrections are largely extensions of pattern already identified and for posterity’s sake (and if anyone wants to look back) they are as follows:

Jan 15-17: Arch of Influence
Feb 14-20: Arch of Influence
March 4 – 8: Arch of Influence
March 26 – April 3: Large Arch of Influence (this one’s a doozy I’m watching)

OK, catching up now…..

As we slide into April, we move into a period that demands communication, structure, responsibility, hard work, honor and laying ground work. However, we’ll continue to feel a pull of struggle with also trying to remain unstructured (read flexible) and allow freedom for shifts in energy and change. These are polarizations between the larger spheres of influence at work for the US as a whole, and the more compact spheres of influence for the Western world at large during this time period.  See the seeming dichotomy?  And as if that weren’t enough, it’s all wrapped up in a pretty karmic bow of all things related to honor, failure and success – umm, yeah, the public kind.  The world of glamour need watch out and international relations may be strained as the US struggles to remain true to its core essence while contending with the current and demanding wave.

Communication and leadership are KEY during this time.  With that leadership charge comes the honor theme and the whole karmic principle of “reap what you sow.”  There is no room for ignoring or hiding from any issues that involve communication, relationships for groups, partnerships, paperwork, finances, law, organization, etc..  If anything comes up in these areas, your attention needs to be full on and focused very heartily. And no cheating, as that will only blow up during this time. Confidence in who you are and what you believe are going to play a role. And foundations laid during this time will come to fruition likely sometime mid-summer.

Spring cleaning urges are pretty strong right now too as the whole craving for structure (also rules) balanced against freedom (also flexibility). There’s a reason and your focus is demanded. You can ride this wave well by being the go-getter who isn’t waiting around for someone else first.  A lot of folks will fail during this time. You (as someone who knows better and can) need to hold the reins. Partly because in a way you will save the “world.”  Partly because it is an opportunity being handed to you if you seize it.  Remember that cheating, dishonesty, mis-truths, etc. tend to be caught during windows like this.  That can be surprising sometimes as well, as it’s not always what you think. Also, that spring cleaning urge is an important one right now.  Clear the clutter, as it both organizes and frees you and it’s responsible, satisfying all energies demanding your focus during this time.  And make digital de-cluttering part of your chore list.  Did you know digital pack-rats and hording is becoming a concern due to energy consumption to store it all?  Read more about that here.  So hey, I’m doing it too – clean out your inbox and files!

Energies will be felt more intensely during this time and deceit will get a focus as it tends to be revealed.  Complicating this energy matrix is a Mercury retrograde beginning March 30 – April 23rd, along with it’s buffer of influence on either end.  Do not let the common attitudes about Merc retros cause you to miss out or neglect anything.  This is not a time to refrain from communicating.  It is a time that requires extra and more precise attention to it.  However, remember my quote from last month about finding the right answer by asking the right question? This is your key to communication as things get intense.  Use the reflective strengths present during this time to make your communication more effective.  And patience.  It may take more work than usual, so roll up your sleeves and just do it.

Keep in mind that tempers are likely to flare as these two seemingly opposite forces attempt to take center stage or butt heads.  The key is in the fact that they can coexist in the same space.  We can mind the rules and still leave room for flexibility, but there must be both, not one or the other.  Resist the dark side of these energies, impulsiveness and tyrany through control.

Now is a time more than ever to hold a focus. It won’t be easy, I’m not going to kid you. This kind of matrix of colliding energies is often when you see all sorts of things pop up for folks.  However, the energies don’t have to collide.  Remember when I spoke before about how everything that we perceive as Divine exists within paradox?  Balance is key and that focus.  Others will be turning to whoever seems to have their act together for direction.  Will it be you?

A note on natural events: In every year we have at least one month where each day’s vibrational totality equals its day number.  May is that month for 2011.  I believe the time between now and about mid-May is unfortunately one of the best times all year for explosive and even violently sudden events, as far as numbers are concerned.  I don’t want to see anyone hurt, but everyone take heed. And please have a disaster plan ready just in case.  Numerology affects the planet at large, so some areas will be more vulnerable than others, especially where tensions already exist.  I’d like for everyone to focus on the good that can come of anything during this time. Every time humanity is called upon to over come something, we grow.

Dates of Numerological Significance
(Notice this month we only have archs of influence, not singular dates. Larger windows of patterns in operation.)

March 26 – April 3: Large Arch of Influence (this one’s a doozy I’m watching)

March 30 – April 23: Mercury Retrograde
April 12-18: Numerological Arch of Influence
April 29 – May 2: Numerological Arch of Influence


It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful.  There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.” ~ Alan Cohen

As form is created and plans are laid, release becomes an operative word in time.  Though a word of action, to release, one must know what to release.  To do this requires time.  Time to go within, time to listen, time to think, time to learn, time to sort it through.

We move into a period that requires our attention.  And to have our attention, distractions are required to be quelled or removed.  To have attention we need to retain focus. To listen, we must be quiet.  To see, we must look.

To receive the right answer… we must ask the right question.

Caution is voiced during this time, but it is not about fear, yet about slowness and thoroughness.

Deliberately slow down during this period.  Become acutely aware of each moment, each choice, each movement and the very heartbeat of flow.  I am reminded of the slow, yet deliberate precision in the art of Tai Chi.  Slow, aware, calm, introspective, encapsulating, deliberate choice.

To know and to flow.

Details and rules are important at this time.  So is solitude and rest. Consciously choose what to keep and to release.

Dates of Numerological Significance

Feb 23: Date of Numerological Significance
Feb 27: Date of Numerological Significance
March 4: Date of Numerological Significance
March 8: Date of Numerological Significance
March 13-15: Arch of Influence
March 26-31: Arch of Influence
March 30 – April 23: Mercury Retrograde

Interesting Facts: Two near-Earth asteroids of potentially hazardous magnitude passed by Earth this month on Feb 13 & 19th.  Signs of a solar storm are gathering for the end of this month.  Read more at http://SpaceWeather.com.  Also, massive solar flare (Classx2.2) was released on Valentine’s Day, Feb 14th.  Read more about that at: http://www.space.com/10862-sun-erupts-powerful-solar-flare.html. To learn more about the significance of and concerns over space weather read : http://www.space.com/10906-space-storms-threat.html.

The Mind Cannot Process the Negative

The mind cannot process the negative.

If you think “__________” cannot happen for you, the mind is only focused on “________” not happening for you.

This presence of mind radiates into the physical. Everything you do physically will be anchored to that mental outcome and produce a “self fulfilling prophecy.”

On the other hand, if you think about how “_________” is going to happen for you, then your mind is now processing a different end result.

And as a result, your actions will be different.  Where the head goes, the body follows.

Manifesting starts and ends with presence of mind.

THIS WEEK at The Seeker’s Round Table: “Conscious Awakeness” with Yanie Brewer


Featured at The Seeker’s Round Table
Thursday, January 27, 2011

“Conscious Awakeness”
with Yanie Brewer

Time: 7-9pm       Cost: $11

Director’s Note: From personal experience I can tell you Yanie is an incredible teacher who does awesome workshops and this will be a great intro to the wonderful work Yanie does.  Don’t miss it!


Taking steps closer to the light.  The more we disconnect from systematic beliefs and realities, the easier it is to connect to our true mind and true consciousness.  The more that we do this, there are no illusions or mis-conceptions, there is only truth.  And the less doubt we carry in our journey, the less fear we carry in our journey.  We can exchange those energetics for wisdom and enthusiasm.  

An interactive class working with goddesses, energetics and intuitive input. 


BIO:  Yanie Brewer


Yanie Leah Kyra Applying her life with Spirit, Yanie Leaha Kyra is an intuitive teacher and healer.  She brings her talents into her journey to assist people in their awareness and soul connection.

As an intuitive, she has the ability to relate with an individual bringing light and focus to their life, present and future.  One of her heartfelt joys is reaching higher dimensions, to bring messages from loved ones or friends, who have passed over.

Reiki, chakra balancing, sound vibrations, and past life regression, are among the methods used in her healing work.  She is also skilled at Holographic Repatterning, which is a process for identifying the negative unconscious beliefs that affect personal growth, and transforming these beliefs to assist you in achieving your potential in all areas of your life.

In group settings, she acts as a facilitator, for meditation awareness and deeper inner personal growth.


Hope… is not a plan.

It’s that time again.  Time for a new year, time to get our collective butts in gear.  Time to make plans and renew our aspirations and goals. Time to make changes.

Honestly, we shouldn’t do it just once a year.  I like quarterly evaluations myself.  However, I think once a year is important too.  And that’s what most of us tend to stick with.  The fiscal year is over.  It’s a good time to regroup.

2011 holds in store all the energy needed to take all this new millennial information you’ve been receiving and essentially take it from a chaotic slew of ideas/input and place it into form on the physical plane.  But also, as we start this year out, we are pressured to do more than just that.  It’s also a time of re-evaluation.  Time to do a little house cleaning and re-organization.  Time to go over the books, feng shui the office and firm up the plans and structures we need in place this year.  Time to de-clutter, time to free ourselves from the bonds we haven’t shook free from.  Time to do a little background research and up the ante.

If you’re thinking this year is about skating, it’s not.  I know the holidays brought some unexpected sales and hope to the financial markets.  But as I said when I predicted this boost last January – the economy as we view it is not fixed, even though some public figures will try to use the holidays as a proof that it is.  There’s a lot of work called for in 2011. It is a year that demands corrections, reckonings and a balance between planned action and inspired action.  Both will be important. As you start this year out, seriously evaluate all the important areas of your life.  “Spring cleaning” will be in the air like never before. Hop on the train for this vibrational push as it will help you clear, cleanse and break through a great many blocks and barriers in your life. When you get an impulse to purge something, stop and take a serious look at doing just that.  Once done, make a plan for filling the void left behind, even if all you fill it with is conscious Light.

Being a year of corrections will cause things to feel uncomfortable at times.  Some will call this year a “bad” and unlucky year.  Some will look at this year as proof that we should all go back to growing our own food, etc.. And truly, that’s not a bad skill or resource to have.  But what’s going on ain’t about that.  Let me tell you, 2011 is a year of making history.  I know everyone’s talks about 2012, but 2011 is where’s it’s at.  It’s the foundation of anything we see in 2012 and it’s the turning point for the future. If you are ready to get the most out of the new energies brought in by the new millennium, if you are ready to let go of old ways of thinking, and if you are trying to change your life in any way, this is the best year in a long while to lay that foundation.  This is the energetic sphere of influence present – so get the most out of it!

To explain further – cycles of numerological influence are somewhat like trends, except that numerological trends are part of the foundation and natural flow of this universe.  During any particular given cycle period, certain energies are predominant – not too unlike fashion trends at a mall. Everywhere you look, opportunities are available in the predominant trends.  So it’s a great time to buy because both the demand and the supply are plentiful.

Numerology cycles are similar.  Each cycle offers windows of opportunity as well as desires that tend to be predominant in particular energy forms.  Make use of it if you like.  Abuse it even.  But when the window closes, that energy is no longer predominant.

2011 dictates a planning cycle that circulates around words like boundaries, rules, structure, foundation and law.  However, for now the US remains in a cycle that demands freedom and a re-evaluation of those laws, boundaries and structures.  Structures and corrections. Organization and outside of the box approaches.

This will be an interesting balancing act that will lend to uncertainty in the marketplace, but lays a fertile ground for dream building and a chance to correct mistakes of the past. Success in general will lie in spending the physical time and work this year, as well as strategically placed changes and tweaks as well.

If you have the muster to do the work, 2011 could be the year you look back on and say – that’s where it all changed for me.

Dates of Numerological Significance

Jan 6: Date of Numerological Significance
Jan 17: Date of Numerological Significance
Jan 24
Date of Numerological Significance

Feb 5: Date of Numerological Significance
Feb 16-20: Arch of Influence
Feb 23:
Date of Numerological Significance

The Answer Is No

No.  1/1/11 has no more numerological significance than 1/1/01.

To indicate as such would drop the “all important and makes a difference” 2.

On the contrary, 1/1/08 was an actual 1-1-1 event that most everyone missed.  And likewise 11/11/09 was an actual 11-11-11 event.  Numerologically speaking.

Sure, you can assign whatever meaning you like to a date while dropping a number here or there.  And certainly whatever you give focus to, you will manifest to some degree.  You can draw inspiration from it and place yourself in the shoes of that energetic pool.  You can use it to mark a special event so you’ll never forget it.

However, Pythagorically speaking (numerologically), doing any of these does not force the Divine Code of Cycle to be something different today than it would be.  It does not impart divine meaning, based on numbers alone, that it does not already have.  And honestly, it denies the true Divine message that particular number vibration does express.  Simply ignoring the 2 is not numerology.   Call it something else.

Today’s vibration? 2/6 – partnership and family (community) and the dichotomy between partnerships (one-on-one and intimate) and group relationships (as we experience in families).

Other parts of the world are already working with the energetic paradoxical merger between the seeming opposites of the Divine Child and the Perfectionistic Scribe.  (Think dance floor vs. library.)

Dances with books anyone?

Upcoming Metaphysical Fairs in Austin

Austin Metaphysical Fair: January 8-9, 2011
Location: Holiday Inn – 6000 Middle Fiskville Road, Austin, TX
Entry Fee: $8

Healthy Wealthy & Wise Faire: January 8-9, 2011
Location: Marketplace Austin Westgate – 6800 West Gate Boulevard, Austin, TX
FREE Entry

North Austin Holistic Living Fair: January 15, 2011 (10am-6pm)
Williamson Conference Center – 1209 N IH 35, Round Rock, TX
Entry Fee: $2